Monday, April 8, 2013

Membekal Mudballs atau Bebola Lumpur Bermikrob Baik Untuk Program Pemuliharaan Alam Sekitar kepada Syarikat Samsung Electronics Display (M) Sdn. Bhd.

Ape itu Mudballs?

EM Mudballs are made of dried mud into which EMBokashi and Activated EM•1® have been kneaded. They are used to clean up bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, and oceans where there are concentrated deposits of sludge and slime.

Keterangan dari :


EM is a combination of useful regenerative micro-organisms that exist freely in nature and are not manipulated in any way EM included:
Lactic Acid Bacteria: these bacteria are differentiated by their powerful sterilising properties. They suppress harmful micro-organisms and encourage quick breakdown of organic substances. In addition, they can suppress the reproduction of Fusarium, a harmful fungus.

lactic acid

Yeast: these manufacture anti-microbial and useful substances for plant growth. Their metabolites are food for other bacteria such as the lactic acid and actinomycete groups.

Photosynthetic Bacteria: these bacteria play the leading role in the activity of EM. They synthesise useful substances from the secretions of roots, organic matter and/or harmful gases (e.g. hydrogen sulphide) by using sunlight and the heat of soil as sources of energy. They contribute to a better use of sunlight or, in other words, better photosynthesis. The metabolites developed by these micro-organisms are directly absorbed into plants. In addition, these bacteria increase the number of other bacteria and act as nitrogen binders.

Filamentus: Fungi that bring about fermentation these break down the organic substances quickly. This suppresses smell and prevents damage that could be caused by harmful insects.
filamentous Alga

Fungi, Gram-positive Actinomycetes. Effective Microorganisms, or EM is one of the most popular microbial technologies being used world-wide now and EM products have been on the market since 1983 in Japan.
When Effective Microorganisms increase as a community in soils, populations of native effective microorganisms are also enhanced. Thus, the micro flora becomes rich and microbial ecosystems in the soil become well-balanced, where specific microorganisms (especially harmful microorganisms) do not increase. Thus, soil borne diseases are suppressed.

Plant roots secrete substances such as carbohydrates, amino and organic acids and active enzymes. Effective microorganisms use these secretions for growth. During this process, they also secrete and provide amino and nucleic acids, a variety of vitamins and hormones to plants. Furthermore, in such soils, effective microorganisms in the rooting zone(rhizosphere) co-exist (symbiosis) with plants. Hence, plants grow exceptionally well in such soils which are dominated by effective microorganisms.

Keterangan dari :


  • Mudball bertindak sebagai agen meneutralkan air.
  • Menjernihkan air yang keruh (keladak akan ditarik kedasar dan akan hilang sedikit demi sedikit akibat peranan bakteri).
  • Bakteria baik yang terdapat didalam mudball akan berada lebih lama dan lebih aktif berbanding penggunaan E.M jenis cecair.
  • Digunakan secara meluas dikawasan sebelah selatan (Johor, Melaka, N.Sembilan) untuk tujuan pertanian dan perikanan.
  • Digunakan oleh ladang orkid komersial bagi menggantikan penggunaan racun kulat.
  • Mudball juga telah digunakan dengan berkesan terhadap kolam ikan jenis tanah, simen dan kanvas bagi meningkatkan produktiviti ikan dimana ikan mudah membiak, tiada serangan funggus kepada kulit ikan dan ikan tidak berbau hanyir kuat apabila terdapat bakteria baik didalam mudball tersebut.

Contoh keratan akhbar atau laman sesawang para pengguna Mudballs


Sebarang pertanyaan dan tempahan:

Cik Nurhidayah,
Pejabat Sarjani Sdn. Bhd.
PW 29 : NO 20, Parit Warijo,

83400 Sri Medan,
Batu Pahat, Johor.
No Tel  : 07-4850094
No Fax :  07-4850095

Email :

1 comment:

EMRO Malaysia said...

We would like to have an verification discussion with your about our EM. Please contact Mr.Fugugauchi. Thank you.

Local Contact:
EMRO Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
77 Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/2,
Taman Sutera Utama 81300 Skudai Johor, Malaysia
Tel: +60-7-562-1195